Second Sunday Easter

 Freelton Strabane United Church

To live our discipleship with integrity and grace.

Horseshoe Falls Regional Council

Second Sunday of Easter 

April 7 2023


Minister:  Rev. Will Wheeler, B.A. M. Div. 905-659-3380 E-mail:

 Music Director Joan Simpson 








Call to Worship


One: Peace be with you, in the name of Jesus Christ, who has conquered death and shown us how to live.                                     

All: We need the gift of peace for our harried days and we need it for our troubled world.                                         


One: In hope and confidence we come to praise God for the heritage and opportunity given to us.                               


All: We are full of gladness in the presence of Christ, whose ways we seek to follow.       

All: Almighty God, in overcoming death and rising from the dead, your only Son overcame death and opened to us the gates of life everlasting. Moreover, in returning to his disheartened disciples, he blessed us and empowered us to be his people in the world. Grant us again a fresh sense of the risen Christ among us, a new wonder that he has so generously given us such grace, a new dedication to be about his work in the world in his name. 

 Dedication of Banners and Windows


One: In the beginning was the Word,  

  Two : The Word was with God, and the Word was God.

  was with God in the beginning.


All:  In God there is life.


One: That life is found in God’s risen Son Jesus.

Two: Jesus The light to all creation

 All: The light shines in the darkness. The light illuminates our journey


One: The creative soul of God manifests itself in the very creation that surrounds us. 


Two: The creative soul of God pools in the hands of the artist. 


 One: From our early times as The Church we have invited the hands of the artist to adorn our places of worship. 


 All: The hands of the stone mason, the carpenter. 

The hands of the painter, the sculptor.

The weaver glass maker


Two: The Hands of the artist move us beyond the practical. The Hands of the artist helps to tell our story in their work. 


One: Today we dedicate these banners. They tell our story and reminds us that God’s banner over us is one of love. 


We dedicate these banners in loving memory of Verna Gumbert Patton  as gifted to Freelton Strabane by Her family Doug and Jutta Patton


Two: As these banners mark the seasons may they also remind us that God journeys with us through the seasons of our life a continuous journey of promise and renewal


One: May the blessings of God and the Saints of heaven be upon these banners as we raise them to the glory of God in their season.

Two: From our early times as The Church we have invited the hands of the artist to adorn our places of worship. 


All: The hands of the stone mason, the carpenter. 

The hands of the painter, the sculptor.

The weaver glass maker


Two: The Hands of the artist move us beyond the practical. The Hands of the artist helps to tell our story in their work. 


Stained glass possesses an aura of mystery and romance. It is the interplay between light and color that illuminates our story

The word comes to life in the prayerfully placed fragments

In the early church when the written word was limited stained glass windows told our story and our journey. 

The windows brought the stories of the Bible of the Gospels to life. 

One: Freelton United Chruch’s journey led us to this time and the Creation of Freelton Strabane United Church.  Part of that journey was honouring the Saints of Freelton named in the four memorial windows

We give thanks to God for those that have worked to bring these windows to this new Church.  We are grateful for the skilled hands of crafters and installers that have worked to bring the Glory of God alive in these windows.

As the light of God shines into our lives so now we illuminate these windows so that light might shine here amongst us. 

(Windows Illuminated) 

We re dedicate these windows in honour of Earl Leslie Wise, Herc and Phoebe Player Audrey and Jack Coverdale, Doris and Lloyd Cummins. 

As these windows told our story, brought light and help to illuminate our journey in the Freelton Church now may they do the same here in Freelton Strabane United Church.   We dedicate these windows not only in the names on them but in the name of all the Saints of Freelton. We dedicate them to the greater glory of God and pray that God’s light continues to shine upon our community of Faith.

Let us Pray.

God of the Artist hand we give thanks for your Spirit that works upon the creative soul.  We rejoice in the gifts of creative soul and ask you to bless these banners which lead us on our journey through the holy hear and upon these windows that illuminate our story reflected in you.  May we see you in the art that surrounds us, may we see you in the beauty of all creation. Through Jesus Christ our Risen Lord and Saviour Amen


 One: Here the word of God

All: Our Ears are open

One : Our lesson is from Acts 4:32-35

One This is the word of the Lord

All Thanks be to God 

One: Here the good news our Gospel is : John 20:19-31

One: The Word of God for the People of God

All  Thanks be to God


 I heard a rumour.   I heard that it was not uncommon for Prime Minister Mackenzie King to have the occasional séance to get advice from his dead mother.  Hmm, Imagine that.    I heard a rumour that long before the announced separation Sophie Gregoire Trudeau was having an affair with someone in London England.  Can you imagine.     

I heard a rumour   The women come back to town out of breath clothes wet with morning dew the smell of perfumes and spice still holding onto them.  Running.    “Hey Mary” yells someone “What’s the rush it looks like you have seen a ghost.” Mary yells back “we saw him and rushes on.” 

“Saw who?” The conversation continues     Did you see Mary and the others this morning running back through the market.  Yes.    She said they saw him. Him who. She didn’t say but was she not going out to the tombs.  Yes that was the talk.   Talk about what a third person asks.  Mary said she saw him was running back into the city.  Saw who, hey do you think it was Jesus? He said something about two days.  No it was three days. It has been three days.

 It drifts across a plate of candied locus and Pilot waves an indifferent hand.  I heard a rumour. Does not get beyond the servants Hall in Herod’s palace.  I heard rumour, as it swirl around the temple court yard. I hear a rumour as well.  The chief priests gather.  Where are the guards that were set.  I have sent for them.  A rumour but more than a rumour.  Together the chief Priests listen to what the soldiers say.  This rumour needs to be nipped in the bud. Here is a large sum of money a rather handsome sum of money and say this. 

  'His disciples came at night and stole Him away while we slept.'   And if this comes to the governor’s ears, we will appease him and make you secure."   So they took the money and did as they were instructed; and this saying is commonly reported among the people.  After all we all know that the first story is the story people we accept as the truth.  The first lie becomes the truth.

I heard a rumour as the disciples gathered in the upper room behind closed doors.  Its all over the city.  Jesus is alive, alive the way he said he would be.  Really we saw him dead. That is a truth.  It is the truth I helped wrap him.  It is true,  I helped move the stone. Heavy thing. It’s true.  I have heard a rumour.  The dogs of the temple are saying it was us and that we have taken the body and started the rumour.  I heard a rumour they paid off the guards.  I heard a rumour that they plan on making sure the rumour becomes a truth and that we should be afraid. 

Where is Thomas?  They have taken him. 

A Movement in the shadows.  In the name of Moses Its… and Jesus stands among them and says, “Peace be with you!” Stunned silence. After all this is a rumour  After he said this, he showed them his hands and side.  After some very colourful saying which I am sure the gospeler meant to include The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.

Then there was Thomas. Afraid to take the Risk and believe the Rumour

So the rumour goes.  So the rumours become truths The truths begin to be shared.  Truth brings risk.  Image that. 

Let us assume for the moment that the Gospel is not written by one man named John but was written by a gathered community of disciples in Syria around 180 CE. I have suggested this before. In prayer they share the stories and they begin to write them down.  They allow the Holy Spirit to be that which draws the story together.  It is not a safe time for these followers of Jesus, who is called Christ, these Christians. persecutions of Marcus Aurelius   lot of things were happening
in the early church. Most prominent among them, at least judging by the
writings of the early church fathers, was a fight to prevent the influence
of heretical teachings about Jesus. So I read.    So the School writes.  The faithful need hope.  Those that need this need hope.  What was that story. You mean the rumour, what ever Jesus appearing to the disciples and Thomas. A rumour. What Ever here is our hope.  Write this down Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” 
27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”  Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

They gave words inspired by the Holy Spirt to give Hope for those that take the risk. They could have failed but they took the risk. 

Afraid to take risk. 

Remember The playground equipment that we when we were young. Talk about taking a risk.  There where those pyramid of cubes called the monkey bars reaching 10 feet into the air where one wrong move left you like a plinko chip falling through unforgiven metal.  The teeter totter where when you were left 10 feet in the air your friend would get off.  Or merry go round thing where you learned at if your ran fast enough with your friend in the center they would either throw up or be projectiled 10 feet. Talk about taking risk.  Just recently The Canadian Pediatric Society says a little risk can be good for kids' physical and mental well-being. It said that type of play varies by child, but is generally defined as "thrilling and exciting free play that involves uncertain outcomes and the possibility of physical injury." Examples include play at height or speed, supervised activities involving tools such as hammers, ropes and knives -- such as whittling or building -- and the chance of getting lost. Sounds like my childhood. There was risk and chance of failure. 

We are afraid to fail to be wrong. We have been taught not to take risks because you could fail and be wrong. We are taught that you cannot be wrong, you must succeed.  That is the what school really taught us and teaches even more so now.  You can’t fail in school so why take the risk.   

There is a story about a little girl who was in art class. The teacher notes her drawing with conviction at her desk. The teach asks what are you drawing.  The little girl says “God”  The teacher says you can’t draw God no one knows what God looks like.  The little girl replies Give me five minutes and they will know.   

The girl took a risk. Risk could have led to failure because no one knows what God looks like.   Well at least that’s the rumour. 

Why does the Church love tradition? Because it means that you don’t have to take a risk. Taking a risk you might fail. 

It’s time for the Church to go out in the play ground and climb the monkey bars.  It’s time for the church to take risks. 

At last I know what has been one of the key points I have preached over the last 30 sum odd years.  That the Church needs to take risk and not be afraid to fail.   That is what you did. Freelton and Strabane took a risk and here you sit surrounded by the risk amongst the beauty as Freelton Strabane. 

  We must continue to take those risks.  When someone says “I have an idea”  We run with it.  Will everything we do be a crack open the champagne success. No, Will we have well that was a waste of time and money. Yes.   But we took the risk. 

Where there is risk there is the possibility of failure but an equal possibility of success.  The early church could have failed.  With out the physical presence of Jesus the whole thing could have gone south.   God took a risk and Jesus didn’t fail. The disciples took a risk and unlocked those upper room doors.

The rumours of a risen Christ are true. The rumour that the Holy Spirit will be with us when we take a risk is true. The rumour that God will be with us when we fail is true. Imagine that  For blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” For we are not alone Thanks be to God. 

Prayers of the people


Slow me Down  Slow me Down

Still my restless mind Still my restless mind

Quell my fears Quell my Fears

Quench my Thirsty soul Quench my thirsty Soul

Fill me with your love Fill me with your love

God of Truth God of Truth

God of love   God of love

God of life renewed you have taught us that blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”   For truly we are blessed. We are blessed in that we have known you in our lives. We live into the faith that we have life through your Son. We live in faith knowing that death has lost its sting. We rejoice for we have seen you in so many ways in our lives.  From the wonderful smile of a child to awesome wonder of the night sky.  In the continuous movement of our lives on the journey that you have set for us we see and believe in you.    Give us such courage to step beyond what we know to not be afraid to be your people. 

We pray for those that struggle to have hope. We do live in fear. Fear of violence of hunger of oppression.   We pray for those that we are called to walk with and name them before you

May your Spirit rest upon them. 

We are thankful for our community of Faith and pray that your Spirit move among us to spread the rumour, the truth of what can be found in knowing your love in our lives.   May we be risk takers for the faith knowing that we have your Son to inspire us and your Spirit to lead us. We bring you our own personal prayers spoken in our hearts.  We offer you the one prayer which binds us as one Saying…Our Father. 



We give thee but thy own.   The work of the Church continues and there are three ways you can continue to support that work.   Consider using PAR, use the donate button on our Web Site or drop your gift at the Manse.   Let us make our offering and give thanks.     


Prayer :  This offering is our most significant statement of faith, O God. We hive because we believe this congregation is important, our ministry changes lives for the better, and we are part of something much larger than ourselves. Ultimately, we believe the church is our firmest link to your reality. Use our time, talent and treasure in ways that exceed our grandest design. Amen 

Commissioning and Blessing


 Commissioning and Blessing


Commissioning and Blessing

One: Today and tomorrow

All Jesus Christ is Lord

One today and tomorrow

All today and tomorrow

One Lo, I am with you always

All When we try to do your will,

One I am with you always

All When we go where we don’t not know,

One I am with you always

All When we meet one we do not recognize

One I am with you always

All Where faith ends and doubt begins,

One I am with you always

All and should we forget you.

One I am with you always

All today and tomorrow, today and tomorrow you are with us always to end of the world. 

One In life in death in life beyond death

All God is with us we are not alone


One: Now may the blessing of God travel with you, May the teachings of Christ Illuminate you path and may the guiding hand of the Holy Spirit lead you forward. All Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, it is now, and ever shall be world without end, Amen.


Join me now for coffee/tea and of course visiting.   Now that you have finished reading the service I encourage  you to call someone and wish them well for the day.   

we honour our heritage.

we know that we are not alone,
that we live in God's world.

with God,
we will discover
the undiscovered country.

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