Copy of Epiphany

 Freelton Strabane United Church

To live our discipleship with integrity and grace.

Horseshoe Falls Regional Council


January 7 2024


Minister:  Rev. Will Wheeler, B.A. M. Div. 905-659-3380 E-mail:

 Music Director Joan Simpson 







 (21 more voices)


Open our Hearts, open our minds

Open our lives to you O loving God 


Open our Hearts, open our minds

Open our lives to you O loving God 

Open our hearts


Call To worship


One: Drip

All :Drop

One: Drip, Drip

All: Drop

One: Drip, Drip

All: Drop

One So began the rhythm of creation

All: God’s Song begins simple within us as beat of our heart.

One God’s song grows with our voice

All God’s song is to be song brightly

One God’s song breaks into our lives like the rays of light of the bright morning sun cresting the day. 


Opening Prayer

All: In each generation you call fourth those to follow you. In this time of enlightenment  teach us to expect your incursions among us, teach us to listen for your leading. Lord, you have called our ancestors you have called forth women and men to be your church. Help us to delight in those whom you call forth in our age. Make us expectant, eager, and grateful that you continue to form your church to call forth those to do your work in the world to tell the good news of your love for the world. Amen


   One: Hear the word of God

All our ears are open

One: A reading from    Mathew 2:1-12 


One This is the word of the Lord

All Thanks be to God


One: Hear the word of God

Gospel    Mark 1:4-11 

One: This is the Gospel of our Lord

All  Thanks be to God



Lord as we ponder your words open our hearts that we may understand and know you. Amen 


  Take a moment to consider the last time you went away maybe just an overnight, A trip a lot goes into making a journey. 

 It truly is an event  that requires a list.  I think of the tour days.  Make sure all the travel arrangements are in place not just for you but your quests , passport up to date, plane tickets and everything handed out.  Order currency, go pick up currency divide currency among the various envelopes you will need.  Sort out your personal currency. Pick out clothes picked out too many clothes.  rethink clothes. Start packing.  Remember to squirrel your money in different places so the thieves won’t find it all.  All the other stuff.  I pod, I pad, I phone charger for I pod, I pad, I phone.  Adapter for the wall.  Everything you might need to make yourself look good. Oh that is a lot of work for that one.   Everything you might need if you feel ill or someone else feels ill  and don’t forget the Werther’s after all everyone likes a Werther.  OH…Camera, different camera lens charger for camera extra card for camera. All the paper work you might need. Clean the house, eat all the food. Make arrangements for the dog make arrangements for the Pastoral charge, make arrangements to get to and eventually back from Airport. Breath, just breath they serve alcohol on the plane. 

If we are not just a pick up and go kind of people imagine what   it took  for journey of all our Christmas characters. 

      The only folk not travelling in this story are the shepherds. But then I am sure they had to pack a lunch and walk over to the fields abiding. 

It starts with a journey.  Nazareth to Bethlehem

Nazareth is not near Bethlehem. 157 km   away.   The very fact that Joseph convinced Mary to get on the donkey is the first Christmas miracle but the fact they made the trip does indicate that they had a certain amount of wealth.  Things might have worked out a little better if Joseph had actually made reservations.

And the kings? Well you all know my great love for history. 

We like to place the Kings at the time of birth with the shepherds.   Makes for a good scene, some colour yet likely not the way it happened. 


 First,  the Kings, aka wise men were not kings, they may not have been overly wise. What they were, were Magi. Short for Magicians or more accurately they were Astronomers more than likely astrologers belonging to   Zoroaster


The East referred to is now believed to be Persia modern day Iran.   The journey would have taken some time which meant that Jesus was more than likely 1 to 2 years old when they finally found him. 

We like to say there were three of them with the romantic view of them on their camels trekking across the lonely desert, but let’s be honest. 

    If they had money enough to buy expensive gifts and travel they did not do it alone.  There would have been servants guards animal handlers baggage train. This was a rather big affair. 


There was no one star. However what they likely observed was a very special astrological event.  Scholars now believe that what they saw was Jupiter (the royal planet) moving into the constellation of Aries which was the sign of Irreal being eclipsed by the moon. 


This would signal that a king who would be the Saviour was to be born to Israel.  Now prophecy foretold this but it also foretold that it could be both a Heavenly and earthly Saviour so the gifts where wisely chosen. Gold, for Kingship Frankincense for divinity and Myrrh. Death and resurrection. The last I am not sure of however it was even more precious than Gold. If the child touched the Gold he was an earthly king, the Frankincense a Heavenly King. Supposedly he touched both.

The scriptures gives us a nice outline of the story, the faith story fills in some of the more details which becomes part of the Christian mythology

Traditions identify a variety of different names for the Magi. In the Western Christian church they have been commonly known as: Melchior  Caspar , a Persian scholar Balthazar Arab scholar.

These names apparently derive from a Greek manuscript probably composed in Alexandria Around 500 A.D., and which has been translated into Latin

As to their race they likely all looked very middle eastern .  Come to think of it, everyone would have looked middle eastern. 

The Magi. As per the story they did return home another route. There were Many places that claimed to be the final resting place However St Helena the mother of Constantine the great the great patroness of the faith responsible for the Church of the holy sepulchre, church of the nativity and the church of the baptism (which was destroyed in an earth quake and now an archaeology site) discovered what was believed to be the true final resting place had the remains removed to Constantinople. After the fall of the empire they were moved to Italy and know rest in Cologne Germany in the Cathedral there which by the way has a steeple over the crossing which is topped with a star rather than a cross inside a very ornate gold and jewelled Reliquary 


We kind of gliss over the ending of this tale as it ends in true tragedy. We shy from   the fact that Herod now kills all the male children under 3 and the holy family flees to Egypt.  Yet another journey. Where in Egypt we don’t know but Again not a trip next door.   

The gifts likely are what sustained Mary, Joseph and Jesus while they were refugees in Egypt and when they came back they moved back to Nazareth.  

This is a story of journey, of not shying away from the road that is set before them.  It is a story of moving forward.  Moving forward even in the face of great odds

They made it work. 

There is a story of the great jazz legend Herbie Hancock playing on stage with Miles Davis a rather well known jazz musician as well performed together song “So What” by Davis. The middle of the performance there is a big mistake Miles handling  something that happened didn’t judge it. Worked with it. He goes on to say  “Musicians don’t judge the music they listen to. They go with whatever happens and try to figure a way to make it work.  Whatever happens on stage is like a seed and the objective is to turn it into a flower.” 

Joseph and Mary, the Wise Men, they found the journey set before them and committed themselves to it. Not to judge its merits but to take whatever happened and make it work.   The seeds of the journey of faith have been planted for us and now we are called in the light of the planets, moon and stars to nurture them into flowers of faith, the beauty of God amongst us for the world to see .

One of the other great mysteries of the faith is those missing years of Jesus. We last hear of Jesus when he is twelve but no he is Thirsty and he comes to John for baptism.  Another great source for Christian mythology.  The question..   Did Jesus, know that he was divine, did he have his divine powers before the baptism or did it all begin at the moment with the spirit coming upon him?  It was or at least seems like a moment of enlightenment. The beginning of a journey.  Seeds of the journey of faith being planted by the presence of the Holy Spirit.   Jesus like his parents before him, like the magi, does not worry about the journey does not, think what do I need he accepts what happens.  Honestly if he knew he would be driven out into the wilderness for 40 days, he might have come somewhat more prepared. A book at least. But Jesus follows, goes accepts  not to judge its merits but to take whatever happened and make it work.   

 I do not know what the journey holds for us, what challenges there may be, what obstacles this year we may find, what mistakes I will make, that you will make.  But whatever happens we will not judge it but make it work. 

 Herbie Hancock’s memoirs is  called “Possibilities”. That is what I see here.   I look at this congregation, our work our outreach our ministry and I see possibilities. 

Let us plant seeds of possibilities and see what flower we can nurture.

As we begin this season of light may we let the light of Christ so shine in our lives. May we see the gospel lessons in our everyday. May we share our Gospel our Good news stories May we challenge our faith so that it will continue to grow strong and flower. May we strive to understand that we are not alone that God is with us Thanks be to God. 

Prayers of the people


Slow me Down  Slow me Down

Still my restless mind Still my restless mind

Quell my fears Quell my Fears

Quench my Thirsty soul Quench my thirsty Soul

Fill me with your love Fill me with your love

God of Truth God of Truth

God of love   God of love


One: Thanks be to God for the gift of a new beginning. It is time to celebrate the birth of the new year. In order to truly make it a new beginning we need to see to let go what we are dragging along with us. To let go of any self - inflicted burdens from old year.  Let us gather our hearts as one and give up that which burdens our hearts.


God of the new beginning as we begin this new year renewed by your love, we dare to look deep into our own hearts, to see if there is anything we need to let go in order to begin an new and follow you. 


In the light of your love we confess any words spoken or deeds done that escalated harmful conflict rather than promoted reconciliation…….We Let it Go


All: Let it go…Let it go…Let it go…


One: We confess any projects that we did not get done, no matter how well intentioned….we let it go.


All: Let it go…Let it go…Let it go…


One We confess that there where people we meant to connect with, support , encourage, and strengthen. We didn’t get to them all….We let it go.


All: Let it go…Let it go…Let it go…


One: We confess to any grudges that we still hold closely, like a favourite but worn out blanket…..We let it go


All: Let it go…Let it go…Let it go…


One: We confess to any personal goals around health or habits that we didn’t achieve last year…..We let it go


All: Let it go…Let it go…Let it go…


One: We Offer up anything else that comes to mind that we need to let go of in order to embrace a new day, a new beginning, a fresh start…..We let it Go.


All: Let it go…Let it go…Let it go… God we offer these burdens up to you for you will lift these burdens away. These burdens do not serve your purposes, they do not give us abundant life, they hold us back from our high calling as your servants.  Free us O God to be your renewed joyful people bold in our faith. In Jesus’s name we pray. 



We give thee but thy own.   The work of the Church continues and there are three ways you can continue to support that work.   Consider using PAR, use the donate button on our Web Site or drop your gift at the Manse.   Let us make our offering and give thanks.       


Commissioning and Blessing

One We are a baptized people into the witness of Jesus our Lord.


All We will own our baptism and claim our Faith.


One: Go fourth into the world, emboldened and equipped to witness to all you have seen and heard.       


All: We pray for the insight and humility to live up to that trust.                         


One: The promises of Christ sends you to all people with the light and peace of the gospel. 


Join me now for coffee/tea and of course visiting.   Now that you have finished reading the service I encourage  you to call someone and wish them well for the day.   

we honour our heritage.

we know that we are not alone,
that we live in God's world.

with God,
we will discover
the undiscovered country.

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