Transfiguration Sunday

 Freelton Strabane United Church

To live our discipleship with integrity and grace.

Horseshoe Falls Regional Council

Transfiguration Sunday

February 11 2024


Minister:  Rev. Will Wheeler, B.A. M. Div. 905-659-3380 E-mail:

 Music Director Joan Simpson 







 (21 more voices)


Open our Hearts, open our minds

Open our lives to you O loving God 


Open our Hearts, open our minds

Open our lives to you O loving God 

Open our hearts


Call To worship

One: God reigns; let the people rejoice. God rules over all creation.                                                                       

All: We praise our great name and come to find direction

One: God fills our lives with hope and anticipation and changes them in the likeness of Christ.                                   

All: We extol your name, O God of all people, for with you there is perfect freedom.       



Opening Prayer

   God of glory, we long for glimpses of your splendor, and for the day when the whole earth will be awash with your glory. Help us to recognize the hidden glory of the cross. May its splendour sustain us in our times of suffering. May its love compel us to minister in Christ’s name to a suffering world. May we find our true life in him who suffered there for our sakes. Amen                                                         



   One: Let us continue to listen to the wisdom God has given us as found in 2 Corinthians 4:3-6

One: This is part of Journey

All May these words strengthen us for the Journey


One: The Light of Gods Love illuminates our lives in the Good news found in the teaching of our Saviour Let us listen to the Gospel of our Lord our lesson is taken from the Gospel Mark 9:2-9  



Lord as we ponder your words open our hearts that we may understand and know you. Amen 


 Today’s gospel is one of the most fantastical I believe of the biblical stories. 

Jesus, Peter James and John, climping and on the mountain they discover Jesus in his whiter than whites (how he accomplished that after hiking up the side of a mountain is a mystery and then suddenly there he is Hobnobbing away with big weeks of the people. 

How did Peter James and John. know it was Moses and Elijah?


 Peter, James, and John had never seen photos of these two men from Israel’s history. And I suspect oil paintings of them likewise did not hang in some “Saints of Renown” gallery in the Temple. They had never had their faces plastered onto $5 bills or stamped onto a denarius or something. And you likewise suspect they were not donning some “Hi My Name Is ______” sticky badges on their chests. There’s no hint in the text that any formal introductions were made.


So how did they know? Maybe as good Jews these three had been sufficiently well schooled in the belief that Moses and Elijah would have something to do with the coming of the Messiah that they were able immediately to surmise who they were. There were just enough clues on display as to maybe even make it a cinch they’d figure it out.  

In his fanciful “Theological ABCs” book Whistling in the Dark, Frederick Buechner muses on the Transfiguration this way: [In the Transfiguration] it was the holiness of [Jesus] shining through his humanness, his face so afire with it that they were almost blinded. Even with us something like that happens once in a while. The face of a man walking his child in the park, of a woman picking peas in the garden, of sometimes even the unlikeliest person listening to a concert, or standing barefoot in the sand watching the waves roll in, Every once and so often, something so touching, so incandescent, so alive transfigures the human face that it’s almost beyond bearing

       The Celtic peoples talk of "thin places" where the distance between heaven and earth seems thin. When the vale between worlds thin we may catch those glimpse of the divine. something so touching, so incandescent, so alive transfigures the human face that it’s almost beyond bearing

In the Movie In the movie Chocolat The Count De Reynaud (the mayor of the city a very devout person finds himself at odds with the non-conformist chocolatier. (as if a chocolatier would be a conformist.   

The movie takes place in the season of lent and the Count’s self-denial is symbolic of the self-denial in his life until the moment at the very last of lent he tastes some the chocolate and in a moment he is transformed. He is transfigured and he sees his life differently He is "strangely released". For him, everything was changed. 

What does it mean to be transfigured? I would suggest that transfiguration doesn’t mean glowing in the dark, but seeing others (and ourselves) in a new way. Moments of understanding. Moments when we understand our own frailty moments of clear vision. Moments of seeing truths.   

The mountain top is about discovering that we are not alone. When we feel that we are. 

In that discovery we realize that God is there with us to help to see the direction we need to take or to help us see the progress that we have made. To give us the encouragement to continue the journey set before us. 


Sometimes I wonder what Jesus talked about with Moses and Elijah But like Peter we discover that we cannot stay on the mountain, stay in the moment but are called to continue the journey. That there are just enough mountain peaks to get us through the lonesome valleys. We cannot stay on the emotional high forever.

   We must come down off the mountain.  We must come down the mountain because the people who we encounter on the decent, the people we meet in valley are hurting and need to know that presence of God.

There was a news story that came up on my news feeds last week. The story was about story about Elmo a character from Sesame street, rather cute red monster.   Who new but the Characters have Social Media accounts and on Elmo’s feed the Character posted  

“Elmo is just checking in, How is everyone doing”   

The responses were very revealing. They revealed the deep pain in people 

 We are not OK, thanks. 

The responses to Elmo’s innocuous question should be etched into stone so future generations can know exactly how we felt in 2024.

Elmo each day the abyss we stare into grows an unique horror. one that was previously unfathomable in nature. Our inevitable doom which once accelerated in years, or months, now accelerates in hours, even minutes. however I did have a good grapefruit earlier, thank you for asking.”

Every morning, I cannot wait to go back to sleep. Every Monday, I cannot wait for Friday to come. Every single day and every single week for life.”

“Elmo I’m depressed and broke.”

“I’m at my lowest, thanks for asking.”

Elmo I’ve got to level with you baby we are fighting for our lives” 

And, one of the most brutally honest replies:

Elmo I’m gonna be real I am at my #***ing limit.

How do did this lovable innocent puppet respond.

“Elmo learned that it is important to ask a friend how they are doing.” The Journalist A.J. Willingham wrote in her article in regards to this. 

“It could sound like a joke. Look at us, laying our fears at the furry feet of a beloved children’s character! Surely there is nothing else to examine here.

Except, after the clouds of irony and dark humor had passed, something remarkable happened: People started thanking Elmo and his pals for asking, and talking about what it means to feel safe and understood in a time when so much is dangerous and confusing. 


  We script our responses. “How are you?” “I’m fine and you?” Accept fine actually means Freaked out insecure neurotic and emotional. People are not alright, they hurt.


There was the man who was asked how he felt about the beautiful mountains, and he said, "Well they're alright but they do sort of obstruct the view".


May we understand that what is found on the mountain is not an obstruction to the journey but a means of strength and grace to continue. For we need God’s strength and grace for the journey.  

If we are lucky there are moments that God shines through our humanity or shines through despite our humanity. 


In India, the traditional greeting is Namaste. (greeting each other in position of prayer) The God in me greets the God in you. In our tradition the passing of the peace of God is much the same thing: with new eyes opened I recognize the God in you. We live in a time where people are searching to see God in others but to recognize the God within themselves. 

      Often, we wonder if we are alone on this spinning globe. May we find in the Transfiguration moment, may we remember that we journey with others. May Our eyes opened by the light of the Spirt, so that we can make it through whatever the world throws our way. May our ears, be open that amid all the voices that surround us we will hear that clear sure word that comes from God. That we might hear that lost voice and reach out to it and hold someone in God’s love   


That is why we gather here as a response to the voice on the mountain, a response to the one who gives us life. We come attempting even for this short time each week to shut out the cacophony of the world around. Seeking in this time to discern our role in the service of God, seeking out a response to the one who stands before is in joy, sorrow trial and tribulation, a response to the one who holds his hand out to us, Jesus, the Son of God, the chosen , our hope in life in death in life beyond death, we are not alone thanks be to God. 


Prayers of the people


Slow me Down  Slow me Down

Still my restless mind Still my restless mind

Quell my fears Quell my Fears

Quench my Thirsty soul Quench my thirsty Soul

Fill me with your love Fill me with your love

God of Truth God of Truth

God of love   God of love


In a world of great suffering O lord we come to you. Behind the happy faces, the “oh everything is alright” Your people are hurting. The world has become so complicated that people struggle to survive and fail the thrive. They become vailed in the worries of society and fail to see the moments of pure joy and wonder and experience your transformative presence. 

Send O God your Spirit to lift the lost up, so that they may summit the mountain and see the wonder of what can be. Then give them the courage to journey back into the valley.  We ask the same for ourselves give us the strength to summit the mountain and see the wonder of what can be, then give us the courage to journey back into the valley to do your work. 

We know that we will encounter those that will make a mark on our lives. Some will journey with us for a life time and other for a moment.  May we walk with those that we are called to be with. To be with them where they are in their journey. We ask for your strength to be upon them to give them healing of body and spirit and courage to trust in you.   We name them before you. 

God of the Mountain top, God of the Valley sit with us in this moment and hear our prayers.   We trust and believe that in your time and in your way they will be answered. We offer you the great prayer which binds us as one saying…Our Father…


We give thee but thy own.   The work of the Church continues and there are three ways you can continue to support that work.   Consider using PAR, use the donate button on our Web Site or drop your gift at the Manse.   Let us make our offering and give thanks.     


Prayer  On the mountaintop in the joys and celebrations of everyday life, in the valley, when the stress of life gets to us you are for us and with us, O God. These gifts are a reminder of the ways in which you bless us. Bless those who receive the gifts close at hand and far away, that they may know the you glorious giver. For your spirit is with those who care and speak out for truth and justice as Jesus did.


Commissioning and Blessing

 One: The holiness of God shines upon you and empowers your witness and service.                           


All: We will meet God in prayer and walk with god in places of human need.                           


One: In all times and places God blesses us. We go now to be channels of God’s blessing           




May the Lord Bless and Keep you.

May the Lord Walk with on your Journey  and May the Holy Spirit guide you, inspire you, and touch your life Amen


Join me now for coffee/tea and of course visiting.   Now that you have finished reading the service I encourage  you to call someone and wish them well for the day.   

we honour our heritage.

we know that we are not alone,
that we live in God's world.

with God,
we will discover
the undiscovered country.

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