Fifth Sunday Easter

 Freelton Strabane United Church

To live our discipleship with integrity and grace.

Horseshoe Falls Regional Council

Fifth Sunday of Easter 

April 28th 2024


Minister:  Rev. Will Wheeler, B.A. M. Div. 905-659-3380 E-mail:

 Music Director Joan Simpson 





 Call to Worship

   One: Come, children of God, to sing a new song; clap your hands and shout for joy.               


All: Jesus is our good news, our joy, and our salvation.             

One: In steadfast love and faithfulness God has done mare velour things.                   


All: God raised Jesus from the dead Christ is alive and at work among us.           

 Prayer. Of Approach 


We come to you, Loving God, needing the love you alone can give. Your love comes to us in Jesus, bringing abundant life for all who will receive it. Empower us by your love to love one another; abide in us to perfect your gift within and among us. Through Christ. Amen                                         


 One: Here the word of God

All: Our Ears are open

One : Our lesson is from 1 John 3:16-24

One This is the word of the Lord

All Thanks be to God 

One: Here the good news our Gospel is :  John 10:11-18 

One: The Word of God for the People of God

All  Thanks be to God


 It has been well established that I am not a gardener. I love gardens, I love planning gardens, buying plants for gardens, watching things grow but when it comes to tending the garden I kind of fail.  I do  know  as anyone who has ever tried to grow something that just because we want something to grow doesn’t guarantee that it will. We also know that getting our roses to bloom our raspberries to bear fruit means cutting back the canes; that encouraging the growth of the tomato plants means pinching off the gangly stems; that getting a second bloom from the impatiens, or the pansies, or the sweet peas and zinnias, means cutting back the early flowers. If something is growing where it doesn’t belong, we pull it out and call it a weed. If something is dead, or not growing well, we cut it off. If something is too big, or too small, we move it, stake it, tie it back. Unless we are talking about my garden where the word wild is the operative word. But I am hoping to work on my taming.   Sometime you need to tame. I have some lilac bushes under the windows of the house, I guess they got just a little on the large unruly side as  they were acting kind of like curtains.  It was decided that they would get a little pruning. After some research it was discovered that they could take a lot of pruning and the job left just some sticks on roots. I was sure that was the end of it. But they grew back with a vengeance.   

This is what John’s gospel describes of God and the disciples’ learning process.  

Gardening is not an armchair activity, and neither is faith. There are choices to be made. It is difficult work.

I Am the true vine and my father is the vine grower.   Every branch which bears fruit he prunes to make it bear more fruit.   The branch grows strong in the vine and tended to by the vine grower.  We are not separate from the vine we are a part of it. 

In a vine, branches are almost completely indistinguishable from one another; it is impossible to determine where one branch stops and another branch starts. All run together as they grow out of the central vine. What this vine image suggests about community, then, is that there are no free-standing individuals in the community that we are all connected.  

Here those words “ I am the vine Says Jesus, “ Abide in me.” Could he have possibly come up with a more intimate, more intense metaphor for our relationship with him? Christianity is more than a list of great ideas, a set of religious principles. Christianity means to be in a relationship with Jesus and God.

 It is not something we do it is something we are.

1st John drives this home. As one theologian interprets the text. People who walk about prattling on about how tight they are with God, then fail to walk God’s way of love with their sisters and brothers are liars.”  We are not just to think about love, we are to embody love.


Jesus is the vine God is the vine grower and we are the branch and we each bear fruit the gifts we bring to God and his service.  God challenges us to grow and those are things which cause us to change to push our growing edges.  To examine how we are a part of the vine. 

The Scripture also speaks of pruning. 


 We can ask ourselves   what is it in our lives that we need to prune away so that we are able to send out new shoots and let new vines bear fruit.  In asking this question  We may find that we have some pruning to do in our lives. What are we doing to help ourselves to bear more fruit to grow.   What are we doing as a church as a community that professes its faith?   Are we sending out new shoots?

The danger is to fall back on the old deadwood sayings. “we’re to old we’re to small. The negative We are. 

 It is as that Great Philosopher Yoda a character created by George Lucas for the Star Wars films who said. While giving Jedi training to Luke Skywalker,  "Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere. Yes, even between the land and the ship." (submitted by David K. Miller)


 "Size matters not. Look at many of the congregations within the church today. . Judge them by their size do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For our ally is the Spirit of God and a powerful ally it is. Life gives it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the God around us between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere.


When the church canonized St. Clare, the young woman who was the friend and spiritual companion of St Francis in Assisi, her dossier read, “Her very life was for others a school of instruction and doctrine. 

In this book of life others learned the rule of life in this mirror of life others beheld the path of their own life. 

 The true, if not only proof we have, the acid test for the validity of the gospel, is whether or not it is a capable of producing lives that are a credit to the master to whom we are apprenticed.

Consider this modern parable

There was a man who set out to learn how to play the banjo. He is a lawyer by trade but if you want to name for at his deepest level a description of who he really is, he would want you to say that hi is a banjo player.; He fell in love with the instrument and then one summer he acted upon his attraction and affection, took a month off to do what he was called to do. Signed on with a master banjo player in the mountains of North Carolina. He ate, slept, and lived the banjo. Returning home, he set aside time every day to practice and play the banjo. He has a set of exercises by which he conditions his hands. He listens to recordings of famous banjo players of the past. He spent every other weekend going to folk music conventions to perfect his art. Of course, he’s not a perfect banjo player. He still misses a note here and thee.

 He’s never been asked to play the banjo professionally or for money or full time.

But his is a much a banjo player as one could ever be. His life has been transformed, changed forever through his art. His daily routine if formed , trained in accordance with demands of banjo and its music. He is a credit to the banjo and what it can do for a person who dares to submit to its demands.


 He hasn’t yet fully mastered the banjo, but the banjo has gone a long way to nearly mastering him.


When you ask him What do you do for a living? He will answer “I’m a lawyer much of my time , but when I’m at my best I’m a banjo player.”

When we are ask “what we do” we will answer this is what we do much of our time but when we are at our best we are Christians.

  I found myself standing in my dinning room window the warm morning sun streaming in looking out at the back lawn and gardens. The warm sun on my face brought me joy, the sight of my back lawn and gardens maybe not so much joy.   The greening and new life is happening  All those dead plants left in the garden for winter homes for living things, all those branches that need the firm hand of pruning sheers are destined for the fire bowl. That which is dead has to make way for that which is alive.   Gardening is not an arm chair past time and neither is faith. There are choices to be made. It is difficult work. We will get our hands dirty, even with gloves. 

Jesus is the vine and God is the vine grower and we are the branches  Abide in this and know that we are not alone. 

Prayers of the people


Slow me Down  Slow me Down

Still my restless mind Still my restless mind

Quell my fears Quell my Fears

Quench my Thirsty soul Quench my thirsty Soul

Fill me with your love Fill me with your love

God of Truth God of Truth

God of love   God of love

  God the new life, we see your promise of the resurrection all around us. The greening of the trees, the green points giving way to spring flowers. We see all around us life renewed.  It is in that promise of life in Christ that we come to you with our prayers.  We offer prayers for those who are unable to see new life.  People whose life is shadowed by war and conflict. Shadowed by oppression and poverty.  People whose lives are shadowed loss of health, lost in this life.   They are people who we will never know.  There are those that you have called us to walk with and we name them before you.    We are thankful o god for this time of greening and we are thankful for the many blessings we see in our lives. So much reminds us of how you walk with us.  In the courage of the Spirit we offer you the prayers of our hearts and hold them up to you.   Lord hear our prayers and in your time and way we ask that you answer.  We offer you the great prayer which you gave us saying Our Father…



We give thee but thy own.   The work of the Church continues and there are three ways you can continue to support that work.   Consider using PAR, use the donate button on our Web Site or drop your gift at the Manse.   Let us make our offering and give thanks.     


Prayer :    We give to tell the world your good news in Christ. As you have loved us, we give ourselves in love for all your people. May we glorify you through our discipleship amen


Commissioning and Blessing


 Commissioning and Blessing


Commissioning and Blessing

One: Today and tomorrow

All Jesus Christ is Lord

One today and tomorrow

All today and tomorrow

One Lo, I am with you always

All When we try to do your will,

One I am with you always

All When we go where we don’t not know,

One I am with you always

All When we meet one we do not recognize

One I am with you always

All Where faith ends and doubt begins,

One I am with you always

All and should we forget you.

One I am with you always

All today and tomorrow, today and tomorrow you are with us always to end of the world. 

One In life in death in life beyond death

All God is with us we are not alone


One: Now may the blessing of God travel with you, May the teachings of Christ Illuminate you path and may the guiding hand of the Holy Spirit lead you forward. All Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, it is now, and ever shall be world without end, Amen.


Join me now for coffee/tea and of course visiting.   Now that you have finished reading the service I encourage  you to call someone and wish them well for the day.   

we honour our heritage.

we know that we are not alone,
that we live in God's world.

with God,
we will discover
the undiscovered country.

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