Third Sunday Easter

 Freelton Strabane United Church

To live our discipleship with integrity and grace.

Horseshoe Falls Regional Council

Third Sunday of Easter 

April 14 2023


Minister:  Rev. Will Wheeler, B.A. M. Div. 905-659-3380 E-mail:

 Music Director Joan Simpson 





 Call to Worship


Call to Worship


One: This is the Good News the grave is empty Christ is risen


All Hallelujah


One: this is the Good news the light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never put it out.


All Hallelujah


One: This is the good News Once we sere no people now we are God’s people


All Hallelujah


One: Christ is our peace,


All: the indestructible peace we now share with each other. 



 Prayer. Of Approach 


 One: God of grace, God of faith, God of presence be with us this day as we come to this place once more to be reminded who you are a part of our lives. May we once more see you in….


All: Glimpses grace, Glimpses of Faith, Touches of You.


One: May those Glimpses of grace remind us that grace is always forgiving and may we find it in our hearts to forgive those that have wronged us and ask forgiveness from those that we have wronged. For in this act we find….


All: Glimpses grace, Glimpses of Faith, Touches of You.


One: may glimpses of faith remind us that it is our faith that empowers us to do your work through our churches. That it is our faith that binds us together as Sisters and Brothers in your Son. That it is our Faith that will give us direction to be your Church in our community.  For in being your people we find


All: Glimpses grace, Glimpses of Faith, Touches of You.


One May you continue to touch our lives in moments of doubt to give reassurance. In moments of fear to give courage. In moments of grief to wipe away our tears. In moments of anger to cool our hearts in moments of joy to know your love. For in all these moments of life we find.


All: Glimpses grace, Glimpses of Faith, Touches of You. Amen 

 One: Here the word of God

All: Our Ears are open

One : Our lesson is from 1 John 3:1-7

One This is the word of the Lord

All Thanks be to God 

One: Here the good news our Gospel is :  Luke 24:36b-48

One: The Word of God for the People of God

All  Thanks be to God


 ï»¿I can remember as a young person asking my minister if there is such a thing as ghost and he said, “no” It was a pretty definite “no” As it turns out that life for me, and many others that “no” not so definite.  As I believe the saints of heaven surround us every once in a while the vale between worlds thins and we may find we have that spiritual, ghostly encounter.   

Consider last weeks Thomas and Jesus story. We spend our time talking about Thomas but maybe fail to ask the question.  If all the doors were locked then how did Jesus get in? The same with next encounter with Thomas.  There was the whole fish thing on the beach.   Then there is the event on the Road to Emmaus. They sit at table Jesus breaks bread and vanishes.  Was he there bodily or was he spirit? Then there is today’s gospel same thing.  Jesus say Peace be with you.” They were startled and terrified and thought that they were seeing a ghost.  In what is known as the gnostic gospels those writing that did not make it into the what we know as the Canonical Bible, there are whole series of story where Jesus appears and disappears even before the Easter event.   This idea of Human and Spirit. 

 Today we see that mystical encounter followed by realization of the reality of Jesus presence.  Then Joy. 

Again I feel it is important to understand, the gospels are being written at least hundred years after the Easter event. Early Church needs this link between themselves and Christ.   The gospelers draw this bridge between the earthly Jesus and the Spiritual Jesus. To anchor Jesus as fully human, who died and rose in corporeal form from the grave and yet this Spiritual being that is encountered not only by those that knew Jesus but the Saints that followed.   

I believe in God, who has created, and I believe Jesus as fully human, who died and rose in corporeal form from the grave and yet this Spiritual being and I believe in the presence of God and wisdom of Jesus in the Spirit of God which Jesus promises in the Pentecost event as I am assured do many of you.  But, still a sign a hint a glimpse of the divine although not necessary might be nice. 

 What if that is offered and we miss it or interpret from the rational stand point as compared to the divine.  

The Path of totality.  This Past Monday was a day.  I cuddled in a snuggly sweater on the deck. Special glasses, camera. Scarlett couldn’t care less that this was a once in a generation thing.  I was throwing the ball. There where clouds. I truly thought well at least it will get dark. Then just as it was beginning the clouds started to part. As we moved closer to the time of totality the skis began to clear. And you could see this wondrous sight.   Light slowly changed and then in the moment, darkness, but not darkness. Darkness visible. A breeze came up and the temperature changed, a coldness descended.  And then the light begins to return. 

Yes, I was gifted several very good photographs.  I would have had a really good photograph had it not been for an ill-timed cloud. Oh well. 

Of course it was the lead story in the evening news.    I was taken by seeing the crowds. They stood in awe and wonder.   Some were visibly emotional. Some spoke how this was a deep spiritual moment. Some stood embracing renewing vows of love.   Some places work stopped and people went outside.  One lad said it was the best day off school of his life. I listened to one person speak. They said That when moon completely covered the sun it was like nothing they had experienced and as it past and the light began to come back everyone stood in an awed silence some people with tears. They stood like that for five minutes taking in what had just happened. And then everyone began to cheer and talk about what they had seen. 

They said to be in the shadow of the moon, knowing that the whole universe was in motion and that we had just witnessed a moment of that motion was a humbling moment. 

Another spoke of how this event reminded us that we are one people sharing one planet and in this brief moment people within the path of totality stopped and looked up as one people


For some I imagine the question would have been what is the hype why the fuss? It’s just eclipse happens all the time. 

Well it will be another 120 years before we are once again in the path of totality.   

 When you looked at the sun through the glasses the sun becomes this deep orange dot. The shadow is just that a dark bite out of the disk. 

As I watched the moons shadow move across the sun, well I could not help but think it looks like the popular images of the stone rolling away from the tomb and there behind it was the light of God. 

Consider this narrative of Monday’s event.  Take out eclipse and replace it with   Easter journey.

A moment of darkness, where some stood in awe, others with tears in there eyes, then the realization of what it means and then Joy.  A moment of fearing that this is a ghost and then joy. 

We live in the shadow of the Easter event in it’s path of totality. But the shadow we live in is not one of darkness but of darkness visible in the light the easter event.  We move back towards the light as the Sun moved back to the light. 

The early Church needed those moments of spiritual awareness of knowing God with them as they began to understand what it was to be a follower of Christ. They were truly the first Christians.

The celestial movement of the Sun moon and the earth are a part of the great creation of God as is the whole movement time and the universe.  We are gifted moments like a Solar eclipse or a Lunar eclipse and the gift to see the planets and stars as a reminder of God with us.

The eclipses illuminated for me that people want a spiritual experience a means to see that we are bound as a people. A desire to experience the divine.   

 Our faith lies in this path of totality may we each day take time to know God as a spiritual presence in our lives and know that we are not alone.

Prayers of the people


Slow me Down  Slow me Down

Still my restless mind Still my restless mind

Quell my fears Quell my Fears

Quench my Thirsty soul Quench my thirsty Soul

Fill me with your love Fill me with your love

God of Truth God of Truth

God of love   God of love

Each day we are provided with the wonder of creation by you O God and yet beyond that wonder you in course of moving the heavenly bodies show us even greater wonders.  We pray that we my seek you out in the everyday and calm our souls and allow your spirit to touch us.  A touch that eases the mind provides clarity and calm. A touch that heals and gives hope. A touch that provides strength to the human spirit to meet the unforeseen challenges. 

It is that Spirit that we ask you to send upon those known to us and those unknown to us.   That the troubled mind might know calm. That those that face the unknown may have courage. That those who know the brokenness of the body may know wholeness. 

We name those who we are called to walk with before you. 

God of budding trees, of the greening earth and spring blossom be with us know as we gather as a community of faith and offer you our own private prayers.  We know, we have hope and we trust that in your time in your way our prayers are answered.  With one voice we offer you prayer which binds us as one saying Our Father…. 


We give thee but thy own.   The work of the Church continues and there are three ways you can continue to support that work.   Consider using PAR, use the donate button on our Web Site or drop your gift at the Manse.   Let us make our offering and give thanks.     


Prayer :  We give thank, Gracious God, for the joy of giving our gifts and ourselves. May others find refreshment and wholeness through our sharing in Jesus’ name Amen


Commissioning and Blessing


 Commissioning and Blessing


Commissioning and Blessing

One: Today and tomorrow

All Jesus Christ is Lord

One today and tomorrow

All today and tomorrow

One Lo, I am with you always

All When we try to do your will,

One I am with you always

All When we go where we don’t not know,

One I am with you always

All When we meet one we do not recognize

One I am with you always

All Where faith ends and doubt begins,

One I am with you always

All and should we forget you.

One I am with you always

All today and tomorrow, today and tomorrow you are with us always to end of the world. 

One In life in death in life beyond death

All God is with us we are not alone


One: Now may the blessing of God travel with you, May the teachings of Christ Illuminate you path and may the guiding hand of the Holy Spirit lead you forward. All Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, it is now, and ever shall be world without end, Amen.


Join me now for coffee/tea and of course visiting.   Now that you have finished reading the service I encourage  you to call someone and wish them well for the day.   

we honour our heritage.

we know that we are not alone,
that we live in God's world.

with God,
we will discover
the undiscovered country.

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