Seventheenth Sunday of Pentecost

Freelton and Strabane Pastoral Charge

Horseshoe Falls Regional Council.

17th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, October 2


Minister: Rev. Will Wheeler, B.A. M. Div.           

 905-659-3380 E Mail

 Administrative Assistance: Linda Young :


 Worship next week October 9th will be at Freelton 10:30.


Tech Tuesday for Seniors Tuesday 1pm at Strabane Church.


Oct 6th Implementation Committee 7pm at Strabane Church


The fall is here, and we are asking if you would like help us to decorate the Sanctuary at Freelton Church for Thanksgiving Sunday. Plants, vegetables yes, live stock no. Let’s make a beautiful display. 


As we live into the Amalgamation we would like to let you know about the up and coming services. 


The final worship service for Freelton United Church will be on October 23 at 10:30. The Rev. Dr. Jamie Robertson will be our guest preacher and we have invited the congregations of Mountsberg and Westover to join us. We will be serving Sandwiches and goodies following the service and so we are asking people to bring donations of sandwiches and goodies.   Also Anyone wishing to bring flowers to place in memory of those that have gone on before us are more to welcome and leave the names on the pulpit. 


The final worship service for Strabane United Church  will be on October 30 at 10:30  We will be serving Sandwiches and goodies following the service and so we are asking people to bring donations of sandwiches and goodies.   Also Anyone wishing to bring flowers to place in memory of those that have gone on before us are more to welcome and leave the names on the pulpit. 


The Inaugural Service for the new Freelton Strabane United Church will be on November 6th at 10:30 with the Rev Jane Wyllie as our guest preacher. There will be a pot luck lunch to follow. 



 Rev Will is always Available for calls. If you find you need to talk or need something please don’t hesitate to call the Manse. 


Consider PAR as a means to support the Church   

One. We come to a time of Honouring and of Learning. 


All: Jesus reminds us that we need to listen to those have been Marginalized


One: We have learned that ‘good intentions’ are never enough, especially when wrapped in the misguided zeal of cultural and spiritual superiority. “Thus, we have learned that we were wrong to reject, discredit and yes, even outlaw traditional indigenous spiritual practice and ceremony; in amazing circles of grace, as we have begun to listen to the wisdom of the Elders, we have found our own faith enriched and deepened. And we are grateful.” 


All: We are taught that the truth will set us free.


One: We have come to a time to hear truths of our Country’s History, which has not been filtered to sound nice. Our Historic truths are not kind. 


ll: Truth leads to understanding. 


One We need to hear the truth how the Government of this country imposed its’ will upon the Indigenous people of Canada. Treaties were not honoured, restrictions imposed. Solutions were formed to deal with the “Indian Problem” Children, who were loved by their families were taken away, their cultures cut off, their language denied, names spoken by loved ones replaced by numbers. In Residential schools administered by the Church, children were abused in the most inhuman ways. 


All: the truth is painful to hear. 


One: Residential schools, have created generations of pain. Children were victims of grave abuse, children who were loved and loved in return died frightened and alone. The buried in unmarked graves to be forgotten.


All the truth can be heart breaking. 


One : Indigenous children were placed in want ads taken from their families and adopted out to “White” families. We called it the 60’s scope and still the Residential schools continued.


All: but no longer can the truth be hidden and denied. 

One: There are truths to be told, stories to be honoured, it is a time of learning for in learning comes understanding and in understanding there is the beginning of reconciliation. Reconciliation is not about blame but it is about owning our history and hearing it. 

One: In that truth we light a candle to honour those children that were taken from their homes to residential schools and never came home.

All: we remember the lost children


One: This light burns for all those residential schools survivors that struggle today to name their pain and reclaim their culture and heritage.


All: We honour their struggle

One: this light is a light in the darkness, a light that calls for justice for all the lost and murdered indigenous women and men 


All: We honour their memories.


One: In remembering, in honouring, we own that we have a responsibility to learn the truths and to teach them. For when we walk with those whose journey is hard we walk with Christ.


All We will walk with our Indigenous sisters and brothers on this long journey of truth and reconciliation 

Gathering   Blessed is the one who comes in the Name of Lord. 

Call to Worship

 One: World wide people gather at the Lord’s table this day


All Fancy, carved tables; rough, wobbly tables, all tables worthy of you Lord  


One: Across all of creation the people of God come in worship and to share a common meal


All: fancily dressed people; barefoot , shirtless people all people worthy of you, Lord


One: We as your people everywhere come to praise your name


All in small numbers and in large number.  We come united in your love, bless us, be with us, for we are your whole people.




 Prayer of Approach


God as, we come together in this place so familiar to many of us, we can scarcely imagine the diversity of your church: people of every continent and climate, of every language and race.  Worshipping in mighty cathedrals, in mud floored huts, in someone’s home, From old building to new building, country churches , city churches. Some worship in traditions as old as our faith, some finding new ways to praise you.  We all are brothers and sister in Christ the family you have given us. Today we join our worship to theirs and are one with them in Christ.  Amen


 All: (sung) In God we live and move and have our story.

 In love God lives in us and makes us whole

O Jesus may we hear the Word that calls us near;

Your story makes a home within our soul.

Your story makes a home within our soul

One: Our lesson is taken 2 Timothy 1:1-14

Gospel is from Luke 17:5-10   


One: The Word of God for the People of God

All  Thanks be to God 

Lord as we ponder your words open our hearts that we may understand and know you. Amen  
We often sell our faith short and look for other things to shore it up other than God. Like belongings or wealth. 

The disciples are always in some kind of faith crisis and today is no different. They are feeling inadequate give us more faith. Increase or faith which literally means add faith to us.    
Jesus replies by telling the disciples they do not need more faith. They simply need some faith. There is no “more” or “less” of faith there is just faith. Genuine faith the size of a mustard seed allows God to work in our lives in ways that conquer and defy our ordinary experience.   

     One of Scarlett’s past times is getting excited about squirrels, There are a couple plump ones that like to sit on the railing of the deck and my poor puppy is practically red in the face barking. I can take her to the back door and she come out of it like a gray hound, tears across the lawn taking great joy in treeing the Squirrel. Then comes back rather proud.   

    This time of year it’s like driving an obstacle course to miss the scurrying little rodents. You may remember that fateful day many years ago the most unfortunate run in (over) I had with the Squirrel The squirrel was half way across the road In the center of the road the little rodent hesitated and ran back and well there was one more squirrel in heaven that night.   

If it had continued forward it would have been happily counting its acorns instead But well he doubted and lost faith and looked back.  

Contrast that against the squirrel who I watched in the crab apple tree the other day.   That one apple was just the apple to have it seemed further and further out onto the bending branch. Tail twitching back and forth the determined gleam in its eye, the branch listing at a rather steep angle. Absolute faith in branch and its own balancing ability. 

We often sell our faith short. We start out and then when the going seems harsh we hesitate and second guess and then look back and run and well we fall. We falter when we doubt our faith.  

   We look for more, never realizing that we have all that we need we just have to trust in the Lord and keep our eyes on the other side of the road not to look back but to move forward. 

In all aspects of our life faith is a key element. 

Faith does not mean that everything will be changed and fine and fixed. It won’t make the pain of life go away. It may not change the course that you are set to run.  But it does provide you with the fortitude not to look back put to move forward.  So you don’t get squirreled


Faith is not easy. It is far too easy to quit or give up. We become defeated and take on a defeated attitude.  The discipleship that accompanies faith is not easy, either. It is easier to accept the Christian label than it is to live the Christian lifestyle. 

 We are all recipients of costly grace. Abundant life, and fabulous feast where even the tiniest bit of bread and wine are enough to satisfy. 

Here before us is that wonderful gift of God  set out for all to receive and take part in.  Here before us lies all the grace we will need to nourish our faith. 

      God has done wondrous deeds among us. Let us respond to god with faith the size of a mustard seed. Let us respond to God by doing those things Jesus has taught us to do. Let us respond to God by gathering around the table and allowing the bread and wine to nourish our bodies and propel us to serve.  

We do not need to increase our faith. We have all the resources we need. Let us respond with faith . Faith the size of a mustard seed. 

That tiny seed   That is all the faith you need. 

This is the faith that heals the body

This is the faith that heals the soul

This faith provides comfort for the lost and lonely

This faith that calls us to serve 

This faith here. This abundant faith it is the faith that will remind you that you are not alone

Prayers of the people

Hear our prayer we humbly offer

Grant to us your peace O God

Hear our prayer we humbly offer

Grant to us your peace O God.




Blessed God, at times we doubt and question our faith. The world in which we live is full of so many afflictions. The specters of war, poverty, disease walk in common on the road of this life.   We are in age when we must acknowledge the wrongs of the past and with your guiding hand strive towards new and right relations. We pray today for all those Indigenous peoples that lived through Residential Schools. Who still struggle with the generational impact of them. We remember all the children who never came home and know in our hearts that to you they were not just a number. 

We pray for all those on East Coast as they try to re build shattered lives. We remember the word’s of Paul  affliction produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope,  and hope does not disappoint.  Because Your love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us. Hope grows from faith.  May we have such trust in you that we see that there is always enough faith if we just trust in it as we trust in you. We name those who are a part of our lives who are in need of your presence, we hold up to you our own prayers in the silence of our hearts and know that in your time and way they shall be answered. Lord we offer you the great prayer that binds us as one as we say…Our Father. 



We give thee but thy own.   The work of the Church continues and there are three ways you can continue to support that work.   Consider using PAR, use the donate button on our Web Site or drop your gift at the Manse.   Let us make our offering and give thanks.       

  One: Praise God who from all Blessing flow


Prayer Accept, we pray, this expression of our stewardship. By this offering we would renew our pledge to acknowledge you in all things and serve you with all we have. May we handle faithfully the wealth you have given us. So we may also relate with integrity to people whose lives touch our own and to unseen sisters and brothers who need our help. In Christ. Amen                         




Commissioning and Blessing
  One: Go out to use the wisdom of this world to honour and glory of the living God.                        
All: We will testify to God’s steadfast love and rejoice in God’s wonderful works to humankind e good news 
One: Venture out into the world us. Proclaim the good news of the love that is found in God.    

One May God the one who brings us comfort surround you, May Christ our Joy walk with you. May the Continued presence of The Holy Spirit illuminate our path and keep us safe until we can gather again in community. Amen   

Join me now for coffee/tea and of course visiting.   Now that you have finished reading the service I encourage  you to call someone and wish them well for the day.   

we honour our heritage.

we know that we are not alone,
that we live in God's world.

with God,
we will discover
the undiscovered country.

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