Fifteenth Sunday of Pentecost

 Freelton Strabane United Church

To live our discipleship with integrity and grace.

Horseshoe Falls Regional Council

Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, September 10th


Minister:  Rev. Will Wheeler, B.A. M. Div. 905-659-3380 E-mail:

 Music Director Joan Simpson 




Announcements The Call to worship and opening prayer And written by Rev Daryl Webber.  

Offering prayer Rev Gord Dunbar Port Nelson

Sending forth. Kate Crawford First St Andrew’s London

All are taken from Gathering. Pent 2 2014


Please take note that Cooking with the Saints will be returning this Fall, but not until November. Sharpen your knives and coming and join us. 

We Always need to leave room for the Holy Spirit to work.    As it turns out we do have a rather full fall already.  So in light of that It has been decided that we will postpone the Taters and Tunes event.    Thanks for your understanding.   




Three things I promise Holy God,

In age and youth, in life and death:

To bless your Name and cling to Christ

And listen for the Spirit’s breath.




Call To worship

One The blessing of God, 

All Who is in this place, and every place

One The Blessing of Jesus

All who is among us , often unrecognized

One the blessings of the Holy Spirit,

All encouraging us to welcome and to feel at home

One be with you all

All as we greet each other and share this place and time may our life in community reflect the light of Christ’s life, which Shines into the World 

 Prayer of Approach


 God of Grace, gathering your disciples here in spite of all our rough edges you open inner eyes to the smooth and polished stones and sacred gifts, stories and talents that you store within. All that is need for living is offered to us and the journey set before us is strewn with your goodness.  Look to our hearts and call forth the strength therin, and we will make this walk of faith together.  In Jesus’ name we pray Amen




One: Let us lift up our voices in Psalm our psalm is  Psalm 114




All: (sung) In God we live and move and have our story.

 In love God lives in us and makes us whole

O Jesus may we hear the Word that calls us near;

Your story makes a home within our soul.

Your story makes a home within our soul  


One: would you like to hear more of our Story?

All: Yes for in the story our faith is strengthen.

One: Then our story continues in  Romans 13:8-14

One This is the word of the Lord

All Thanks be to God


 One: In the word we find the inspiration of the Spirit Here the goodness  of the Good News as our Journey begins in  Matthew 18:15-20

One: The Word of God for the People of God

All  Thanks be to God



Lord as we ponder your words open our hearts that we may understand and know you. Amen 


Here it is September the children are back to school. 

It for us marks the beginning of new church season. We have had, I hope a restful break from meeting and decision making. I hope it has been a time of rest reflection and renewal to take on once again the work of the church which God has given us. 

We move back into (although we never left) into being an active community of faith the professes God at work in the world through his son Jesus the Christ in the action of the Holy Spirit.  We continue to learn and grow and struggle and rejoice in being Christian, knowing that this has set us apart and that our Christian calling and service is something that we strive to live in our every day.

We are wonderful people who love one another as Christ has loved us , we will have yet another year of no hard feeling critical words upsets, slighted feeling absolutely no conflict. We will not let our egos cloud our judgement, we will not seek perceived power for ourselves, we never speak cruel words or work behind someone’s back.    mainly and primarily because we are Christian and Christian as we know never fight among themselves never get angry and when we leave the loo all you ever smell is roses.  Amen and have a nice day. 

 Perhaps we need to set our divinity aside for a moment and look at our humanity.


One of our greatest stumbling blocks in the church is our failure to embrace at times a full humanity and realize that yes even Christian if we are to be in community with each other as we are called to be will as sure as the sun rises in the morning will have times of conflict, hurt and disagreement.


And as sure as the sun rises in the morning there is going to be times this coming year that we will be huffy sometime with someone in the church.  When the glass of patience is well, empty.


We as Christian sometime live with the great albatross around our necks that says we can’t fight with each other because we are Christian and we are supposed to love each other. So I won’t say anything. 

 Hear is a story from William Wilimon relates about his home town. 

Not far from our home in South Carolina, just down the road there was a church. Actually by the time I came along it was no Longer a church. It was just a decaying, rotting shell of a building there once a church had been. Now kudzu vines slithered over its broken roof, all of its windows where gone, and the front door stood open to the elements the only thing that know crossed the beckoning thresh hold.. 

“What happened” I asked my grandmother one day. “What happened to all the people who went to this church?”


My grandmother laughed slightly “Well son, she said that was a church, a very active church too. I remember it will when I was a girl. There used to be serves there every Sunday, picnics in the spring and fall, then they had their great falling out.”  “What is that”  I persisted.


“Well, the great falling out was when Mr. Jones, or was it Mr. Johnson at any rather when either Mr. Jones or Mr. Johnson wanted to pave the drive into the church. Some of them thought it was a waste of money. Said that Mr. Jones or Mr. Johnson, whoever he was trying to take over the church.  You can see today that the drive was never paved. After that fight, the church split. One group went and took what it had and left. A few of them stayed tried to keep the church going for a while. Eventually, they just died off or moved away and what you see is the end of the argument.”

This is a story I have heard played out again and again.  People leave organization because they can. Because people seek out genuine honest relationship to be in community. This means good if not excellent communications skills 


A community that does not listen or share how it feels or when something someone disagrees with ends up with someone stumping out (taking there ball and going home per say) is one that has lost the ability to communicate well. 

 God in his infinite wisdom knowing the frail human ego gives us a model to deal with conflict and disagreement with in a community of faith which does not require basic hand to hand combat skills. 


When we and I mean we , not you or me but we, when we fail to live by today’s gospel we begin a slow rotting course of gangrenous festering that leads to the final death of the body. Remember that story earlier

In today’s gospel Jesus says that whatever we loose or break here on earth, in the church, will be loosed in heaven. Whatever we’re able to put back together here on earth shall be bound forever in heaven. 


This talk about what’s done on earth being paralleled in heaven reminds us that our forgiveness of one another is but a pale reflection of god’s forgiveness of us in Jesus. Even when we disobeyed God and through our disobedience broke our relationship with God even when we killed God’s only Son, God took the initiative, came back to us, set things right, and forgive us that the relationship might continue.;


In our attempts to confront, to speak the truth, to offer and to receive forgiveness to honestly listen to understand and communicate you and I mirror in our own small ways what God has done for us. Here in the church, we are a foretastes, a dress rehearsal for what is going on always in heaven. 


When we forgive, when we refuse to ignore wrong that has been done and clergy at times are the worst offenders for this in a congregation for fear of dislike offending the good giver and having to look for a new posting.  when we humbly confess the wrong we have done and ask to be forgiven, here in our church we become a corner of heaven. As Jesus said, For where two or three are gathered perhaps brought back together?? In my name I am there among them. 

Our challenge is to see ourselves as being in community. In a relationship with God which binds us all together as brothers and sisters in Christ.  Then when conflict befalls us and it will we are called to the task of reconciliation and restoration to that right relationship. Remember the love that Jesus speaks of does not have all the emotional attachment that we attribute to the word today.   


James Hilton writes. If you forgive people enough you belong to them, and they to you whether either person likes it or not. Squatter’s rights on the heart. 


You are good people, strong in faith, hard workers with kind and generous hearts. Over the past 19 years I have grown to love you all very much.  You have a strong hold on the history of your churches, and anchored in the faith but with eyes that look up and out to see new possibilities of what can be and new ways of thought and service to God and the world. These are your greatest gifts and best resources  We now once more will set our shoulder to the plough 


God has taken squatters right on our hearts 

As we continue our journey of faith, discovery and service may we be live by the Gospel, forgive as Christ forgives and discover that because we live in community speak and listen with integrity . Then we see that we are not alone that God is with us. Thanks be to God 

Prayers of the people


Slow me Down  Slow me Down

Still my restless mind Still my restless mind

Quell my fears Quell my Fears

Quench my Thirsty soul Quench my thirsty Soul

Fill me with your love Fill me with your love

God of Truth God of Truth

God of love   God of love



Great Creator

As we take up the challenge once more to be your people and work for the coming of your kingdom we pray that it is your spirit that will guide our community. Give us open hearts to be accepting. Help us to take the second breath when we feel angry, may we be gifted with patience and understanding.  Forgive us when we fail. 

In our prayers we hold the ever changing world in which we live. We prayer for justice and peace for those who are touched by conflict.  We pray for the broken hearted. We offer prayers for those that struggle to meet the challenges of each day and those whose lives are touched by illness. We hold that we will never know those in need but trust that your Spirit will be with them. We hold up to you those who we do know. We name them before you trusting in your holy presence.

Lord hear our own personal prayers of thanks giving and petition spoken in the silence of our hearts.   

We offer you the great prayer that binds us as one saying

Our Father...



We give thee but thy own.   The work of the Church continues and there are three ways you can continue to support that work.   Consider using PAR, use the donate button on our Web Site or drop your gift at the Manse.   Let us make our offering and give thanks.       

  One: Praise God who from all Blessing flow



Scatter our gifts as seeds of hope, O god. Nurture our gifts as new life in a world of despair. Harvest our gifts as the fruits of your mission  Amen 

Commissioning and Blessing

One Find that place within yourself where simplicity and joy are deeply rooted.

All we will find that place which is Jesus’ home

One and live from it all the days of your life. Go with the peace of God.

May God bless and keep you, may Jesus Christ walk with you and may the Holy Spirit the presence in our lives inspire your imagination and faith


Join me now for coffee/tea and of course visiting.   Now that you have finished reading the service I encourage  you to call someone and wish them well for the day.   

we honour our heritage.

we know that we are not alone,
that we live in God's world.

with God,
we will discover
the undiscovered country.

Upcoming Events

For all the people that have worked so hard this past year as we moved and lived into the Amalgamation thank you so much.  Truly this has been the work of God.  As we move into the summer we pray that people find restful times and stillness for the soul.

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