Trinity Sunday

 Freelton Strabane United Church

To live our discipleship with integrity and grace.

Horseshoe Falls Regional Council

Trinity Sunday

Sunday, June 4 2023


Minister:  Rev. Will Wheeler, B.A. M. Div. 905-659-3380 E-mail:

 Music Director Joan Simpson 




Case for Kids Charity Walk.


 To go for the annual Case for Kids Charity walk.  Freelton Strabane have pace setters for several years. The Walk is June 4. Please consider either walking or sponsoring someone in the congregation.


June 6th Art for the Soul/Tech Tuesday 1pm at the Church.  Note that this will be the last one until September.


Prayer Shawl June 15  7p at the Manse Note this will be the last one until the September.


Looking a head and planning. A time for us to come together to talk about what our next season is going to look like. June 13th 7p in the Hall. 




Coming up in September Studies and Studios presents. “Our Song” and evening of music to support the re installation of the Freelton Memorial Windows. Sept 24th 7p 




Three things I promise Holy God,

In age and youth, in life and death:

To bless your Name and cling to Christ

And listen for the Spirit’s breath.




Call To worship


One: The fastness of the Great Plains,

All: Hold wonder and awe

One: The wind swept shores of the Atlantic

All: Hold wonder and awe

One: The majestic rugged peaks of the Rockies

All: Hold wonder and awe

One: The simple beauty of our church

All: Hold wonder and awe

One: You are the God who surprises us again and again

All: We are left in wonder and awe taken again and again by surprise by the world you have created. We are called to be open to the unexpected, the surprises that the Spirit may have for us. 

One: In wonder and awe we come once more to give thanks for the many surprises you bring into our lives. May we be open to the unexpected, the new, the different that God presents to us.



 Prayer of Approach


All  God of Wonder, God of Surprises, God of the new, God of the unexpected be with us know and send your spirit to play amongst us so that we may be reminded to always be open to your leading. Empower us to trust in you on this journey of faith and to marvel at the wonders you set before us, to have courage to overcome the challenges and a willingness to celebrate the day you give us. In Christ we pray. Amen




One: Let us lift up our voices in Psalm our psalm is  Psalm 8




All: (sung) In God we live and move and have our story.

 In love God lives in us and makes us whole

O Jesus may we hear the Word that calls us near;

Your story makes a home within our soul.

Your story makes a home within our soul  


One: would you like to hear more of our Story?

All: Yes for in the story our faith is strengthen.

One: Then our story continues in  2 Corinthians 13:11-13

One This is the word of the Lord

All Thanks be to God


 One: In the word we find the inspiration of the Spirit Here the goodness  of the Good News as our Journey begins in   Matthew 28:16-20

One: The Word of God for the People of God

All  Thanks be to God



Lord as we ponder your words open our hearts that we may understand and know you. Amen 


Albert Einstein said “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. “

Perhaps a little more to the point are the words of Gertrude Stein “There ain't no answer. There ain't going to be any answer. There never has been an answer. That's the answer.” 

Einstein, the dreamer, Stien, the realist.

We sometime in the business of life lose site of the spiritual. In my studio/tv room sits an unfinished Icon of the Holy Trinity.    It’s not my first icon.   Creating Icons has its own language although you are painting, it is called writing. When you are tracing your icon onto the board it is called translating.  The writing of an Icon is a spiritual journey. The icon is not art, but is artistic.     The Icon is an integral part of the Eastern Christian tradition. They are not to be worshiped but seen as a lens to encounter the sacred and the holy.  A centering for prayer, invocation to the saints.  They are a vehicle of faith. 

Peter Pearson in his book, A Brush with God writes about how the Roman Church has over the centuries has liked a rationalistic approach to explain God. The thinking, realist.  As compared to the Eastern Church which has “recognized that it can only say so much about God in finite, human ways before it must go silent before the mystery of the infinite and unspeakable.” It is through the artist, poet, and musician that we come to understand God on a deeper heart felt level.   To enter the mystery and the silence. To experience the sacred   



When we slow ourselves, center ourselves to listen and see into the silence we allow the heart and the soul to connect with the Divine. 

 This is not to dismiss doctrine and theology. The idea of the Trinity is a creation of the early church. The gospels don’t speak to the Trinity. Theologians have argued the point and written volumes trying to explain what it is. 


St Patrick uses a shamrock three parts but one plant. The Father the Son, The Holy Spirit/Ghost three in one and one in three.   Perhaps rather than trying to explain the Trinity we should take a page from the Iconographers book and move beyond the explanation and embrace the mystery of the many ways that one can encounter the divine. To not be rational but to be the dreamer. To move into the silence. 

I have a colleague that before she preaches she calls people to the silence to center the soul to open the mind. It is in the silence that we can encounter the divine. I was watching a movie and spoke of the silence of space. A place where one can lose themselves and direction or find themselves and direction. 

 Rather than try to explain or postulate on the Trinity, I would suggest we just accept it as mystery of the faith.  Today once more we are reminded that  we  need to silence ourselves and open ourselves to see beyond “what is there” to “what can be there.” 

What can be there is the infinite presence of God and God’s love

   God’s love found in all of creation, God giving wholly of himself in becoming and giving Jesus and the forgiveness of the Cross.  That continued presence in the Holy God Spirit God continuing to act in our life. God known and still God whose finite ways which are still mystery to be discovered.

 God who knows days as millennium in our understanding, so vast that all of creation is done in but six days for God but billions of years by our understanding. God who is not contented with one but many. Not one tree, one colour of flower, one animal but many and varied  A minimum of 146 new types of  species where discovered in 2022. 

God who continues to surprise us. If we allow ourselves to be moved to encounter the divine. 

God who fills every aspect with his generous love like lilac filling the air with perfume 


God who creates new in the morning sun,  Dances us with the Spirit throughout the day and loves us with the unconditional love of Jesus as we drift into sleep. 


Like the icon sitting on my desk waiting for me to finish, God waits to help finish what we are called to create. What that will be is part of the mysterious. When we in time reflect on it we will see that it is amazing and say this is God’s work and it is pleasing in the eyes of the Lord.

Today is about just enjoying the mystery of God.  As Albert Einstein said “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.”  God is the mysterious the source of all true art and science, of wonder and love.  God who says I will be with you always.  So we will never be alone thanks be to God Amen 


Prayers of the people


Slow me Down  Slow me Down

Still my restless mind Still my restless mind

Quell my fears Quell my Fears

Quench my Thirsty soul Quench my thirsty Soul

Fill me with your love Fill me with your love

God of Truth God of Truth

God of love   God of love

God of the wondrous un explained. In our quest for understanding we have lost sight of joy that is found in the mystery of the faith. We offer you the words of the hymnist. 
Teach us, God, to wonder teach us God to see, to let your world of beauty capture me. Let us God be open let us be loving. Let our prayers for your world be spoken. Let us God be ready and be awake to be there for those that are in need. May we hold them in our prayers and name them in our hearts. Let your Spirit be a courage and strength to those that are seeking. Seeking healing, direction, confidence and strength. We name those who we are called to journey with before you.   Teach of God to know you, hear you when you speak and see you in all the wonder of the world. May   life be celebrated and joy given in your name. United through the great prayer which you give us we say…Our Father…


We give thee but thy own.   The work of the Church continues and there are three ways you can continue to support that work.   Consider using PAR, use the donate button on our Web Site or drop your gift at the Manse.   Let us make our offering and give thanks.       

  One: Praise God who from all Blessing flow

Prayer Give us , O God , the attitude of the church at Pentecost. May we respond joyfully, accept freely, praise thankfully, give generously, share widely, work tirelessly. In the spirit of Jesus Christ amen 



Commissioning and Blessing

One: Breath of Spirit…

All you give us life.

One: flames of the Spirit

All: you fuel our lives

One Love of the Spirit

All: You lead us on

One: Help us we pray

All: give our steps direction.

One: help us we pray.

All: give our mission passion

One: help us we pray

All: give our passion purpose

One: In God name

All: in Jesus’ name

One: With the power of Spirit

All: Amen


Join me now for coffee/tea and of course visiting.   Now that you have finished reading the service I encourage  you to call someone and wish them well for the day.   

we honour our heritage.

we know that we are not alone,
that we live in God's world.

with God,
we will discover
the undiscovered country.

Upcoming Events

For all the people that have worked so hard this past year as we moved and lived into the Amalgamation thank you so much.  Truly this has been the work of God.  As we move into the summer we pray that people find restful times and stillness for the soul.

June 6th Art for the Soul/Tech Tuesday 1pm at the Church.  Note that this will be the last one until September.


Prayer Shawl June 15  7p at the Manse Note this will be the last one until the September.


Looking a head and planning. A time for us to come together to talk about what our next season is going to look like. June 13th 7p in the Hall. 



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