Eighteenth Sunday of Pentecost

Freelton and Strabane Pastoral Charge

Horseshoe Falls Regional Council.

18th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, October 9


Minister: Rev. Will Wheeler, B.A. M. Div.           

 905-659-3380 E Mail wwwheeler@sympatico.ca

 Administrative Assistance: Linda Young : ljyoung45@gmail.com


 Worship next week October 16th will be at Freelton 10:30.

Prayer Shawl Thursday Oct 13th 7pm at the Manse.



Church Member Terri Shewfelt and hubby Neal will be going to the Centre of Hope in Guatemala for an outreach program in November. Terri is collecting various items to take with her including: Children’s Tylenol, adult Tylenol, ibuprofen (Advil), Benadryl liquid (children’s), Benadryl tablets (adult), baby formula powders, women’s prenatal vitamins, children’s vitamins (iron free) as well as children’s colouring books, pencil crayons and stickers. Terri will have a box to collect donations in the Freelton Church until the end of October.  Your generosity is greatly appreciated! 

As we live into the Amalgamation we would like to let you know about the up and coming services. 


The final worship service for Freelton United Church will be on October 23 at 10:30. The Rev. Dr. Jamie Robertson will be our guest preacher and we have invited the congregations of Mountsberg and Westover to join us. We will be serving Sandwiches and goodies following the service and so we are asking people to bring donations of sandwiches and goodies.   Also Anyone wishing to bring flowers to place in memory of those that have gone on before us are more to welcome and leave the names on the pulpit. 


The final worship service for Strabane United Church  will be on October 30 at 10:30  We will be serving Sandwiches and goodies following the service and so we are asking people to bring donations of sandwiches and goodies.   Also Anyone wishing to bring flowers to place in memory of those that have gone on before us are more to welcome and leave the names on the pulpit. 


The Inaugural Service for the new Freelton Strabane United Church will be on November 6th at 10:30 with the Rev Jane Wyllie as our guest preacher. There will be a pot luck lunch to follow. 

Mark the date and hang out the holly it’s a


Seasonal Lunch Craft and Bake sale

at the new Freelton Strabane United Church event

 November 26 8 – 1pm


Vender Tables available call Rev Will 905 659 3380 Anyone willing to make donations of crafted items to the Church table or baked goods to the Bake table are invited them to bring them to the Church on Friday November 28th between 1 and 5p.



 Rev Will is always Available for calls. If you find you need to talk or need something please don’t hesitate to call the Manse. 


Consider PAR as a means to support the Church   

Gathering   Blessed is the one who comes in the Name of Lord. 

One: God welcomes us to this time of refreshment for the soul in this community of faith we are challenged


All: God’s steadfast love is before our eyes. We will walk in faithfulness before our God. 


One: God is faithful and ready to show mercy God restores and heals let us give thanks.       


All:  We will sing a loud song of thanksgiving let us tell of all God’s wondrous s deeds.   



 Prayer of Approach

God of Creation, of planting and of the Harvest, from our heart , with our hand through our voices in our love we thank you God, For every sunrise and sunset, for every smile and tear, for every moment that has passed and for every moment yet to come. May our Thanksgiving fill the world with gratitude and joy.  Amen  (prayer by Richard Butt.) 



 All: (sung) In God we live and move and have our story.

 In love God lives in us and makes us whole

O Jesus may we hear the Word that calls us near;

Your story makes a home within our soul.

Your story makes a home within our soul 


One: Our lesson is taken   Philippians 4:4-9 

Gospel is from  John 6:25-35   


One: The Word of God for the People of God

All  Thanks be to God 

Lord as we ponder your words open our hearts that we may understand and know you. Amen  
 I probably say this every year at this time. I always find myself a bit ruminative at this time of year, the days are crisp and you find yourself reaching for a warm blanket and just enjoy looking out the window. Thanksgiving is kind of the kick off to the holiday seasons. I think of dinners past, family gathering and the empty places that now dot the table.   
  I thought on my life journey so far. And I see a couple regrets but they seem to fade as I get older. Oh it is true I have made some mistakes and there I things if I had the chance to do again I would do differently but they have been more learning than regret.  
But most of all I saw gifts 
Not gifts of things. Real gifts. Gifts of love and friendship. Of belonging of knowledge of even one or two scraps of wisdom and truth.  

Perhaps this is what Jesus is speaking of. Jesus says do not work for food that parishes but for food that is eternal.  

      Perhaps what this means is that we should strive not to see what things we have. They don’t last. They are here and then they are gone. My house has a lot of other people’s things and someday my things will be someone else’s. 

 Like the Antique store in Prince Edward County Dead Man’s Stuff. Great name because it is true. We are directed to work towards that which is eternal.  

Our relationships with God, and each other. And ourselves. Knowledge and wisdom. Not just gaining, but sharing these things. That is how it becomes eternal, food for the spirit.  

To understand where it comes from.  

Thanks giving should not be giving thanks for what we have but more importantly giving thanks for what we are able to give away. The gifts that we share. The talents that we have.  

   How do we use the gifts given to us to work in the world? Do those gifts include an open heart that sees beyond rank and fortune and all that which divides.


Our world is changing. The Christian Church has come to a time in its life where we need to review and ask “how are we living our faith and are we using the gifts that have been given to us to best serve the faith?”

That there is that which is more important, than acquisitions. 


That all that we have is a gift. The love we know, the security we have, the knowledge the wisdom, the laughter all is a gift. 

How Do we use these gifts? Do We use them in ways that reflect the love and gift of grace given to us by God, in the gift of Jesus?   This is our Ministry.


I look at my day book and all the filled lines I realized that I am not doing this alone. That there are many people working hard to accomplish this task of ministry and all of the tasks that there are to be servants to God and to each other in our community.   And they do it because they are a gift. 

      They are the people that have given freely of their time and energy. They are you. The next few weeks for us will be very ruemative for us as we honour our history and who we have been as Freelton United and Strabane United. Think on the great church suppers.  People helped how they could.  Today people help as they can. They share the gifts they have.  Each pie that is brought, each potato that is peeled, each ticket that is bought, each dish a dish washer washes is a gift, a gift from God.  


We must not take those gift for granted. We must not think  well that person should be here and not elsewhere, or Say we don’t need you. Or take the work they do for granted and thus just expect it of them. 

Each offering as that gift.  To see beyond the labour and see that which is eternal, the spirit in which it was given.  


All things perish in time, but the spirit that we create as a community of faith  that is what will last. 

It is that gift of life that is given to us in Christ that becomes the spirit of this place. That is the bread of heaven that sustains us.  It is that faith that makes us whole and why we shall not hunger . It is that faith that creates A place where people can come and find the bread and drink for the soul and never hunger. And receive the gift of God’s love. A gift that comes through us to them. 

The leaves outside my window lazily take on their colours, the morning glories still greeting the days, the birds supping on the fruit of the flowering Crab.  Scarlet barks defending the window and a fresh nose print, the coffee cooling and the day warming up. All is well with my soul and I am grateful, thankful. I give thanks for God’s giving. In this season of thanksgiving, what have you been given.  What have you given to others.  Just perhaps it is in the sharing of this gift that we discover that we are not alone thanks be to God. 

Prayers of the people

Hear our prayer we humbly offer

Grant to us your peace O God

Hear our prayer we humbly offer

Grant to us your peace O God.



  O God we come as your thankful people.  We are so truly blessed. We come knowing that we are wealthy people. Help us to not measure our wealth in terms of material things but in terms of our relationships, the support we have in our lives, the opportunities that come into our lives. Most of all it is the faith that you are always with us that we cherish.  Help us to see that these are the true bread of heaven that shall not perish but will sustain us.  Help us to see it is not how costly something is, but the that our giving comes from a generous spirit.  May we always be thankful for the many gifts great and small that you send into our lives.  As we give thanksgiving we cannot but help think of those that are in need of your presence this day.  For a world which knows poverty and injustice. For a world that knows illness and lostness we offer prayers. We ask for courage to walk with those that come into our lives, and offer prayers for those that we shall never meet. We offer up the names of those that we walk with and ask that you be a presence in their lives.   We offer our own prayers of thanks giving and the prayers of our hearts spoken in the calmness of this place and time.  Lord hear our prayers and we know that in your time and your way they shall be answered. 



We give thee but thy own.   The work of the Church continues and there are three ways you can continue to support that work.   Consider using PAR, use the donate button on our Web Site or drop your gift at the Manse.   Let us make our offering and give thanks.       

  One: Praise God who from all Blessing flow


Prayer    We praise you with our offerings and with time and effort devoted to your purposes, gracious God. By your mercy we have been healed and by your love we are blessed day by day. In Christ we have been introduced to life in its fullness. Grant us to enjoy simple things as Jesus did, and to live with others in mutual caring, respect, and helpfulness. We would live and endure with Jesus Christ. Amen. 




Commissioning and Blessing
  One: God’s word has begun our worship and praise now God’s word sends us out to serve in his world 
All: We go out to touch and heal in gratitude for what has been done for us.                                 
One: In Praise and thanksgiving return to the world to live and work as a people touched by God.         
One May God the one who brings us comfort surround you, May Christ our Joy walk with you. May the Continued presence of The Holy Spirit illuminate our path and keep us safe until we can gather again in community. Amen   

Join me now for coffee/tea and of course visiting.   Now that you have finished reading the service I encourage  you to call someone and wish them well for the day.   

we honour our heritage.

we know that we are not alone,
that we live in God's world.

with God,
we will discover
the undiscovered country.

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