Forth Sunday of Pentecost

 Freelton Strabane United Church

To live our discipleship with integrity and grace.

Horseshoe Falls Regional Council

Forth Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, June  25 2023


Minister:  Rev. Will Wheeler, B.A. M. Div. 905-659-3380 E-mail:

 Music Director Joan Simpson 



It has been a monumental Year for our church and we now will be moving into our summer schedule. 

beginning the First Sunday in July  (July 2) we will move to worship at 9:30am through to Labour Day

We will be having regular worship during the month of July but will take a Summer break when the church will be closed for Sunday 6th ,13th  and 20th.   We worship will begin again on August 27th at 9:30am 

Rev Will will be on Vacation from July 13th to August 24.   He will be available for only dire cases of emergency. 


We are so grateful for all of the hard work that everyone has gifted the church and pray that everyone has a restful and enjoyable summer.   





Three things I promise Holy God,

In age and youth, in life and death:

To bless your Name and cling to Christ

And listen for the Spirit’s breath.




Call To worship

One: Hear the words of Jesus, “Come to me, all how labour and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest”

All: We seek the rest Christ offers for we are often busy and anxious?

One: Christ invites us “take my yoke upon you, my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

All: In Jesus Christ we find true freedom and joy of living in God’s most wondrous world.



 Prayer of Approach


Present God in this time of change, this time of fear, and this time of loneliness we pray for the presence of your Spirit in our lives. May we see this as having been a time of reflection and of coming to know what really matters.  Calm our minds, ease our worries. Help us to see it is not what we don’t have but what we do have and the joy that you bring into our lives each day.  Amen 



One: Let us lift up our voices in Psalm our psalm is  Psalm 45:10-17




All: (sung) In God we live and move and have our story.

 In love God lives in us and makes us whole

O Jesus may we hear the Word that calls us near;

Your story makes a home within our soul.

Your story makes a home within our soul  


One: would you like to hear more of our Story?

All: Yes for in the story our faith is strengthen.

One: Then our story continues in  Romans 7:15-25a

One This is the word of the Lord

All Thanks be to God


 One: In the word we find the inspiration of the Spirit Here the goodness  of the Good News as our Journey begins in Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30     

One: The Word of God for the People of God

All  Thanks be to God



Lord as we ponder your words open our hearts that we may understand and know you. Amen 


I can remember watching one of the episodes of the Vicar of Dibley a British comedy. They had formed a book club and all had come together for their first meeting and it turns out after some rather funny moments that no one had read the book but just the dust jacket. Some had come just for the chocolate hobnobs.  Then the question is asked “well what book has everyone read?” The Scene cuts to a very serious discussion and the Vicar askes.  “Can he ever know true happiness, let’s go back to the original text…and it turns out they are reading from Winnie the Pooh and had been discussing   Eeyore

Tim Adams of the Guardian wrote a while back that during a series of lectures for passion week, the archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, opened up about his mental health. In confessing how he had long relied on antidepressants to “restore me to Eeyore status from something much worse”, he noted how his predecessor, Dr Rowan Williams, once advised him “there is almost no human situation that cannot be explained with the hermeneutical tools of Winnie the Pooh”. Certain psychologists have, in recent years, concurred with this observation, writing academic papers on how the characters in the Hundred Acre Wood are expressions of disorders: Tigger suffers from ADHD, Rabbit is a narcissist, Piglet has an anxiety complex and Pooh displays obsessive compulsive maladies associated with eating honey. And Eeyore cannot seem to see joy in life. 


AA Milne himself tended to be dismissive of such readings .

Milne After serving at the Somme,   was not convinced by religion – for all his “hush, hush listen who dares, Christopher Robin is saying his prayers”, he never had his son baptised, unpersuaded that he was born in sin.

Like his creations, Milne put his faith in human difference and inclusive community and was roundly dismissive of the judgmental thou shalt nots of the Bible: “The Old Testament,” he once observed, “is responsible for more atheism, agnosticism, disbelief – call it what you will – than any book ever written; it has emptied more churches than all the counter attractions of cinema, motor bicycle and golf course.”  

We are not going to hear Jesus speak ill of the Old Testament after all he was a very devote Jewish Person.  However, Milne idea honouring human difference and inclusion is much more in line with what Jesus taught.

I have known some Eeyore's in my time. Regardless of what they had or their live circumstances they could not be happy. 

There is at times this skewed expectation that we should be happy all of the time.  What this means is that people are always looking for the next good thing to make them happy .  I read this a while back in Pleasure is not happiness what keeps people suffering is the constants seeking of pleasure.  We need to retrain ourselves to seek peace over pleasure joy with in the challenge and to find happiness in the process of being alive.   This is a new way of thinking for me. 

In essence I think this is what the message of the gospel is for us today. Jesus says look we did this and you were not happy, so we did this and you were not happy. You listened to John and not happy, listened to us and not happy. What is it then that you are looking for.

Jesus says


“We played the flute for you, and you didn’t dance. We mourned for you, and you didn’t lament”(v. 17). A flute and dancing are appropriate for a wedding. Wailing and mourning are appropriate for a funeral. Whether the game is happy (weddings) or sad (funerals), the children refuse to play.

What do you want, you are not content with either therefore what then will you be content with. 

The next section people are in arms that Jesus is  a gluttonous man and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners”  as compared to John, who people flocked to in the wilderness is seen as having some sort of demon and really got on the bad side of Herod and his family getting his head served up on a platter and not metaphorically.  

As the commentator states.  

 Some people just not content with what they have.   Always looking for the something more. 

While John looks like a religious fanatic, Jesus appears to be a libertine.   So if there is something wrong with both of them then you do not have to choose to act at all.  If you are unwilling to act then what will you act upon

   The reality is that in taking John and/or Jesus seriously means that we see the world differently     

Those who were critics of Jesus and John, could not see the world differently. 

I read this, this week    How can you present anything to one who have no desire to have their belief system challenged.  They will believe what they want to believe and nothing you  can say is likely to make any difference. It becomes in grained at a subconscious level. And when a belief structure becomes that insidious, the only way it is likely to change is through a mystical experience or such a personal demonstration of another way of living   that one cannot fail but to notice that there is a different way of being. For those that heard Jesus or John they either had that mystical experience or saw what a different way of living could mean


It is easy to be an  Eeyore to say “Oh Bother” I have always been this way, I am this way and will always be this way. I just know there has to be something better.

It takes work to see beyond the idea of deserved happiness and joy.

At times it takes work to see the joy in life, and accepting that there will be an equal part of challenge. 

 The truth of the universe is that for everything there is a time, a balance of all things. Of light and dark and joy and sorrow all in equal measure.   


Rather than sitting looking out the window thinking that the neighbour’s grass is greener, maybe we should actually go outside and admire the fact that we have a lawn at all.  Embrace it for all of it creeping Charlie, plantain and what ever else might be growing. 

Constant joy and happiness are a myth.   You can’t have green grass without rain, and you can’t have rain without clouds.  We are reminded  to find happiness in the process of being alive .   Is not that perhaps the wonder of God is that we encounter God is both the joys and sorrows of our lives.  That we know God in the balance of all things.  For truly this is God’s wondrous and in it we come to see that in all the balance of time and experience God is with us that we are not alone.  Amen 

Prayers of the people


Slow me Down  Slow me Down

Still my restless mind Still my restless mind

Quell my fears Quell my Fears

Quench my Thirsty soul Quench my thirsty Soul

Fill me with your love Fill me with your love

God of Truth God of Truth

God of love   God of love


God of rainbows and thunder storms. God of Dandelions and green grass help us to see you in both the joys and sorrows of lives.  To find happiness in the process of living and being alive.  For in all the changes and chances of life you are there with us.  When life is hard or our hearts are breaking may we feel your strength surround us. When we are so angry we could spit may we hear you say then spit and then the wisdom to direct our anger where it needs to be.  When the joy of life overflows our eyes or we have laughed so much our sides hurt may we hear you laughter as well.  And when we are afraid then may we know your re assuring touch.  For all those who need to know your presence hear our prayers.   Be with us as we commit to being for others as you have been for us.  We name those that we are called to walk with.     Give us the courage to care, to embrace your message and grow as a place that welcomes all who come to this sacred place. May your love be reflected in who we are as a community of faith.  We offer you our own prayers in our hearts knowing that in your time they will be  answered in your way.  We offer them to you in the name of the one who binds us as one saying Our Father…


We give thee but thy own.   The work of the Church continues and there are three ways you can continue to support that work.   Consider using PAR, use the donate button on our Web Site or drop your gift at the Manse.   Let us make our offering and give thanks.       

  One: Praise God who from all Blessing flow


May these gifts carry forward the ministry you intend here in our church and community and wherever people are scattered on the face of the earth. May our open hands share your gifts and our open hearts reach out in love and peace. Show us how to use this offering to accomplish your purposes.                                                    Amen 


Commissioning and Blessing

One: This is God’s wondrous world let our ears be listening to all nature sings.

All: This is God’s wondrous world we will rest in wonder of all that God has wrought

One: This is God’s wondrous world, O let us ne’er forget that though things might be hard God walks forward with us.

All: This is God wondrous world we shall not be sad and let our voices sing let the heavens ring God reigns let earth be glad. 


Join me now for coffee/tea and of course visiting.   Now that you have finished reading the service I encourage  you to call someone and wish them well for the day.   

we honour our heritage.

we know that we are not alone,
that we live in God's world.

with God,
we will discover
the undiscovered country.

Upcoming Events

For all the people that have worked so hard this past year as we moved and lived into the Amalgamation thank you so much.  Truly this has been the work of God.  As we move into the summer we pray that people find restful times and stillness for the soul.

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